AI & Ethics
AI and Moral Intelligence: Preserving Humane Thinking in a Machine Age - Shannon Vallor, Santa Clara University

Shannon Vallor

DATE: Mon, February 25, 2019 - 4:00 pm

LOCATION: Room 307 - Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies, 6331 Crescent Road


AI & Society Seminar Series

Sponsored by
Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-Making and Action and the Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies


Monday February 25, 2019
4:00 PM
Room 307
Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies
6331 Crescent Road


AI and Moral Intelligence: Preserving Humane Thinking in a Machine Age

Shannon Vallor
Regis and Dianne McKenna Professor
Department of Philosophy
Santa Clara University @ShannonVallor



In the coming decades, the spread of commercially viable artificial intelligence is projected to transform virtually every sociotechnical system, from finance and transportation to healthcare and warfare. Less often discussed is the growing impact of AI on human practices of self-cultivation, those critical to the development of intellectual and moral virtues. The art of moral self-cultivation is as old as human history and is one of the few truly unique capacities of our species. Today this humane art has largely receded from the modern mind, with increasingly devastating consequences on local and planetary scales. Reclaiming it may be essential to averting catastrophe for our species, and many others. How will AI impact this endangered art? What uses of AI risk impeding or denaturing our practices of moral cultivation? What uses of AI could amplify and sustain our moral intelligence? Which is a better goal for ethical AI: machines that are humane? Or machines that are humanizing?

If you wish to meet with Dr. Vallor, please contact Peter Reiner (

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