CAIDA: UBC ICICS Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-making and Action

UBC and CAIDA, Home page hero image
Photo credit: Hover Collective

CAIDA is UBC's main AI research organization. It consists of over 100 professors and their research associates, spanning 27 departments/schools/institutes/etc. The Centre's focus is the development, analysis, and application of AI systems for decision-making and action, enabled by core AI technologies such as machine learning and automated reasoning. It is part of the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems (ICICS).  CAIDA is a member of the CLAIRE research network.



ICICS logo


UBC Department of Computer Science


UBC Faculty of Science


UBC Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Microsoft Corporation

UBC Faculty of Applied Science


The Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences


Canada is globally recognized as a leader in transformative AI research. We are located in Vancouver, which is one of the world’s digital economy hotspots. Vancouver is increasingly integrated into the west coast technology ecosystem, linked to Asia, and now home of Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster.