Dr. Cristina Conati Elected as a Fellow of AAAI

Cristina Conati profile

January 31, 2024

Each year, The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) membership nominates individuals whom they consider to have achieved unusual distinction in the field.  The committee then selects about 5-10 Fellows each year from the pool of nominees.  AAAI Fellows are individuals who have achieved unusual, significant, and sustained distinction, usually over at least a ten-year period.  

This year our own Dr. Cristina Conati has been named as one of these prestigious fellows for her “significant contributions to human-centered AI and AI-driven personalization, particularly for  intelligent tutoring systems and visualization."  Congratulations Dr. Conati on this very well deserved honour! You can learn more about Dr. Cristina Conati and her election as a AAAI Fellow here

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