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Engaging with AI
AI-Related Courses at UBC
Updated September 2024. We do not guarantee that every AI-related course at UBC has been listed.
Fundamentals of Analytics and Technology (BA 515)
Gene Lee
Business Analytics Programming (BAIT 508)
Gene Lee
Machine Learning with Engineering Applications (CPEN 355)
Xiaoxiao Li
Computer Graphics (CPSC 314)
Dinesh Pai
Applied Machine Learning (CPSC 330)
Mathias Lécuyer
Machine Learning and Data Mining (CPSC 340)
Mi Jung Park
Advanced Relational Databases (CPSC 404)
Laks Lakshmanan
Computational Optimization (CPSC 406 )
Michael Friedlander
Intelligent Systems (CPSC 422)
Giuseppe Carenini
Computer Vision (CPSC 425)
Leonid Sigal
Computer Vision (CPSC 425)
Kwang Moo Yi
Computer Animation (CPSC 426)
Michiel van de Panne
Computers and Society (CPSC 430)
Kevin Leyton-Brown
Topics in Computer Science - NLP (CPSC 436N)
Vered Shwartz
Advanced Machine Learning (CPSC 440)
Danica Sutherland
Topics in Artificial Intelligence - STAT LEARN THRY (CPSC 532D)
Danica Sutherland
Topics in Artificial Intelligence - NLP meets HCI (CPSC 532G)
Giuseppe Carenini
Topics in Artificial Intelligence - PRIVACY IN ML (CPSC 532P)
Mi Jung Park
Topics in Artificial Intelligence - Commonsense Reasoning in NLP (CPSC 532V)
Vered Shwartz
Topics in Artificial Intelligence - CAUSAL ML (CPSC 532Y)
Mathias Lécuyer
Topics in Computer Graphics - LEARNING TO MOVE (CPSC 533V)
Michiel van de Panne
Topics in Computer Graphics - DEEP VIS. GEOM. (CPSC 533Y)
Kwang Moo Yi
Topics in Simulation and Optimization - DIGITAL HUMANS (CPSC 535P)
Dinesh Pai
Topics in Algorithms and Complexity - OPTIM THEORY (CPSC 536M)
Michael Friedlander
Machine Learning II (CPSC 550)
Danica Sutherland
Trustworthy Machine Learning (EECE 571J)
Julia Rubin
Spatial Data Analysis and Remote Sensing (FRE 490/430)
Jonathan Proctor
AI and Machine Learning Applications in Manufacturing (MANU 465)
Ahmad Mohammadpanah
Applied Linear Algebra (MATH 307)
Elina Robeva
Graphical Models and Causal Discovery (MATH 605D)
Elina Robeva
Data and Society (SOCI 280)
Laura K. Nelson
Methods for Statistical Learning (STAT 406)
Geoff Pleiss
Bayesian Statistics (STAT 447C)
Alexandre Bouchard-Côté
Topics in Deep Learning Theory (STAT 547U)
Geoff Pleiss